Thursday, January 20, 2011

January 20, 2011 Fly in the Bathroom

Well, my first week of classes has been one characterized by perfect procrastination. Everything done well and on time - but only finished thirty minutes or an hour before it was due. I will have to work on that. :)

But I do have a funny story for you as long as I am indulging in this procrastination... I went to use the restroom after getting home from class today. As I opened the door, I was almost knocked out by the chemical smell inside. I choked a little, took a few steps back, and then took a few MORE steps back in search of breathable air. I thought it must be some kind of cleaning formula, but it seemed so toxic that I immediately worried about what it might have been used to clean up. Adorable little Señora Álvarez then appeared to tell me that there had been a fly. I somehow understood her, despite not knowing the word for fly, probably because I had just recognized the smell of the poison bathroom gas - bug spray. She had apparently trapped it in the bathroom, gone to fetch the can of bug killer, cracked the door just enough to fit it and her hand into the room, and emptied the ENTIRE SPRAY CAN into the room. At this point, she held up the empty bottle and shook it, as if to confirm the mental image I had already formed. 

I think she literally might have taken a few years off my lifespan with those chemicals. As soon as she returned to the living room, I yanked the bathroom door closed from the outside to contain the fumes and used the other "bathroom" - really more of a closet with a toilet installed in it than anything else, but much safer than the real one. 

In happier news, I made another yummy dinner! I bought tomatoes today because at the frutería I found the section with the really ugly, sometimes rotten ones that are very inexpensive. If you pick through, you can find perfectly good tomatoes for half the price, and I think they're completely fine, although I wouldn't expect them to keep for more than a few days in the fridge.

Red peppers, carrots, tomatoes, some potatoes, and garlic in olive oil, again with my fresh ground pepper and garlic salt.

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