Sunday, February 12, 2012

February 12, 2012 San Telmo Fair

Not going to include a lot of text in this entry, but wanted to share some new photos. The San Telmo fair takes place every Sunday in San Telmo from mid-morning to afternoon. There is a huge variety of artisan wares on display, much like at the Recoleta fair, and it's huge, running all the way from the city's main plaza, Plaza de Mayo, down Calle Defensa, to Plaza Dorrego.

Good to see I was on the ball when I told everyone it was about ten blocks. Keep in mind, Buenos Aires blocks are pretty big.

Before we set off, though, while I was waiting at the Academic Center for Maria, I couldn't resist walking down an extra block and snapping a picture of an old favorite...

Made to order, large, mozzarella pizzas...  

...for just eight pesos each! That's $1.84 USD at the current exchange rate. Of course, it used to be just six pesos, and I can't help being a bit peeved with inflation about that, but I suppose it's still a pretty good deal.

Anyway, then we set off for the fair. We were there during the hottest part of the day. But in addition to a pretty bad sunburn, I brought back the pictures below.

For more on the history of San Telmo, you can reread my old entry about the bus tour that was really my first taste of the city:

And for more pictures, check out my very first trip to the fair, back in 2010:

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